Selected Works
Published in magazines, journals, anthologies, and newspapers.
The Shedding, Muse India
The Shoe Cabinet, the other side of hope
- A reading of The Shoe Cabinet on YouTube
Ode to June, 2008, Muse India
The Demise, Muse India
Dreams of a Graveyard, Muse India
Name, the other side of hope
On a Sunday Morning in London, Royal Society of Literature
The Wild Woman, Unheard Of – Poetry, Prose and Photography
Amrita Pritam (Punjabi), Stephen Spender Prize For Poetry in Translation (Commended)
The Jasmine Candles, Unheard Of – Poetry, Prose and Photography
An Evening with My Father, The Bangalore Review
Friends, Daath Voyage
The School Project, Literary Herald
The PM’s Cut: The Creeping Hindutva Takeover of Bollywood, The New Voice
Urdu, Politicization and Pseudo-Nationalism, Countercurrents
Martin’s Letter: 1963–2020, Countercurrents
The Octopus that has Boomerangs, FAD Magazine
A Parade of Elephants in Spitalfields, Art Week
Deputy Editor at Media Drum World, 2022–2023
Over 400 publications in newspapers and magazines including The Times, The Guardian, The Mirror and NY Post among others.
Ex-Criminal Interview, Mirror
Woman of Many Faces, New York Post
NHS Worker Home DIY, Metro
Abandoned Dentists in London, Mirror
Cleft Lip Baby Warrior, The Irish Sun